Page Tabs


I'm Heather.  I'm a stay-at-home-mom to two gorgeous little princesses and a wife to one handsome prince.  Our little family is the most important thing in the world to me and I try to do everything I can to keep them well-fed, active, and interested in new things.  We love to learn together.  My husband teaches high school chemistry and I'm a former high school biology teacher so, needless to say, we're kinda nerdy.  We see everything as a learning opportunity. 

One of my favorite things in life is food!  It's a blessing from God that we have so many different flavors and textures to play with while we nourish our bodies.  For that reason, I love to cook, try new recipes, and taste new things.  I'm pretty adventurous when it comes to food (but don't ask me to eat a bug... it ain't gonna happen), but I have to reserve my exotic curiosities to those rare occasions when I get to eat without children in tow.  My kids just don't share my affection for sushi, curries, and anything not in breaded stick form. 

Unfortunately, my affection for food, the fact that I've given birth twice, and have now crossed over the threshold of the big 3-0, has presented me with a new challenge in life... personal fitness.  Ugh!  This never used to be so much work!  But since there isn't a darn thing I can do to reverse the effects of time and circumstance I've decided that I have to be proactive about keeping the issue in check.  That has brought on the inclusion of my "exercise/activity" page.  I intend to chronicle my fitness activity, not to impress anyone, but to keep myself accountable.  If there's one thing in life that I am no good at, its self-motivation.  I'm hoping to change that, though.

I'm still new to the blogging thing and hopelessly clueless about web page design, so bear with me as I learn how to navigate my way through this e-wilderness.  I'm open to suggestions (and lessons) about how to improve my page. 

Thanks for visiting!